Sunday, May 8, 2011


So, have been remiss in missing my self imposed deadlines. However in the interest of furthering  my 10000 project, will do the needful this week, pakka. The topics that will be covered are (tentative list):
1. Foreign Policy for India 2nd post.
2. Preliminary analysis for US Senate data; raw dump for which is already put up.
3. A jab at discussing the defence industry development in Korea and Israel, which this author thinks are the closest parallels for Indian Defence Industry. More to the point, why the clamour for increase in FDI in Defence may be a case of barking up the wrong tree.

Well that should make it a busy week.

I discovered a new feature in the settings section, called "Stats". It is not 'new', but new in the sense of newly discovered. Now i thought that no body had read this blog as of yet, and was pleasantly surprised to know that the visitors numbered in the low three figures, but then again that might be just me visiting this page. Further i realised that there were a few visitors from the Russian Republic. Now seriously that warms the cockles of my shriveled heart. So here is a shout out to the mystery Russian visitor or visitors: "Hello".

Also could you, please tell me what brought you to this blog. It would genuinely help in boosting my ego :).

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